Fort Lauderdale Real Estate Attorney
Many people gather assets, such as real estate, during their lifetime to provide for the generation that succeeds them. This is typically their immediate family, but it can also refer to anyone they wish to leave their assets to. Usually, real estate amounts to plenty of wealth, and it could take an enormous amount of pressure off someone financially.
If you were to leave properties to your wife, that would assure you that both your wife and children would be financially secure if you ever died. So, whether you have one property within your real estate portfolio or twenty, it’s incredibly important to plan for the future. This will ensure your assets are taken care of and end up in the intended hands.
However, it isn’t as simple as saying ‘I want my property to go to this person,’ and that person then receives it. There are an awful lot of laws, policies, and regulations within each state. That’s why it is only smart to seek out an experienced real estate attorney in Fort Lauderdale to guarantee that everything is official and above board.
There would be nothing worse than building up an estate and substantial amount of wealth to leave your family, and then your plan not being carried out because you didn’t follow the correct legal procedures. When it comes to making a wise decision in terms of an attorney, here are a couple of aspects of the law that you should consider…
Estate Planning
This essentially covers everything surrounding the real estate that you own and makes sure it is scheduled to go to your desired personnel. You see, there is a lot of documentation when it comes to real estate. The change of ownership between you and say, a family member, after you pass is often complicated if you don’t prepare sufficiently.
That is why you should acquire a highly-qualified estate planning attorney in Fort Lauderdale, like the Law Office of Peter L. Rose. They will help you to plan the best route, file all of the appropriate documentation, and cover all of the laws to avoid any irregularities after you are gone. This will mean you can stay worry-free, knowing everything is in place to secure the future of your loved ones.
Title Insurance
This is where the process gets a little more complicated. When you leave an asset to someone, it’s crucial that you protect the property from any defects, such as someone else falsely claiming ownership of it. With title insurance, you’ll guarantee that the intended owner will be sheltered from any fraud, forgery, encroachments, or wrongly filed documentation.
As title insurance is a one-off payment once the escrow of the property has been closed, it can often be expensive. It is typically difficult to choose a policy that covers exactly what you need. That’s why it would be best to use the services of an accomplished title insurance agent in Fort Lauderdale, such as the Law Office of Peter L. Rose. They’ll help you to get the best deal and make sure you don’t pay for anything you don’t need, while ensuring you’re still fully covered.